Register Charity Please be sure to review, sign and email us your GiveSafely Charity Agreement. Name Username* Donors: please choose a username. Charities: please use your Charity's name. **This username will appear in the URL of your profile page so be sure NOT to use a personal name or email address.Contact Info Contact Name* Contact Title* Email* Your Account Key* Your account and data is locked and protected by blockchain encryption. You will unlock your profile dashboard and secure your data with this Account Key. Write it down! We do not have access to it: it can not be recovered or reset. Repeat Your Account Key* Did you write it down? Charity Name* Website* This link will allow donors to visit your organization website to learn more.Logo FileUpload Images should be a rectangle and 400 x 160 for best results. Short Summary of Your Organization* Enter a short description of your organization to be used in snippets and lists. About Your Charity* This longer description will appear on your dedicated page. Provide enough information to generate interest. Donors should want to learn more after reading this and want to donate or click through to your organizations website.Hero ImageUpload Enter an image sized at 820 x 312. JPG or PNG files only. BBB WGA Link* Enter the website address of your charity's report on the BBB WGA site to let donors see how your organization meets the standards. Charity Category*American IndianAnimal ProtectionArts and CultureBlind and Visually ImpairedCancerChild SponsorshipChildren and YouthCivil RightsCommunity Develop and CivicEducation and LiteracyElderlyEnvironmentHealthHuman ServicesLaw and Public InterestPolice and FirefighterRelief and DevelopmentReligiousVeterans and MilitaryOtherChoose the best categories that best describe the organization. Donation Addresses BTC Address Ethereum Address Ardor Address You can change this if you want a separate donation account from the account receiving rewards and shared data PayPal Donation Email (The email address at which your charity receives PayPal donations)